It can be hard to say goodbye to those old baby clothes, elementary school mementos, and precious antiques even if you haven’t really used them for a few years now. As much as we love them, they tend to clutter the house, but that doesn’t have to mean it’s time to get rid of it all. Storage bins are always an easier answer. Here’s how to tell when it’s time to consider finding storage bins.
- Your Car No Longer Fits in the Garage- Remember when you first bought the house, and you could actually park the car inside the garage instead of in the driveway? Don’t be ashamed if your garage is filled more with keepsakes than cars—it’s pretty common. It’s time to reclaim your garage, though. Storage bins will help you consolidate all of those items you’re still keeping but rarely use, and you might even find room to park your car in the garage again!
- Your Closets Are Practically Storage Units Already- If every closet in your house is practically bursting at the seams with items that have been long forgotten, you should consider getting some storage bins. This would also be a good time to sort through your things to get rid of items you really don’t need or organize them into categories, so you can easily find individual items later.
- Your Cardboard Boxes Have Seen Better Times- Unfortunately, cardboard boxes aren’t very durable, and we can’t expect them to last forever. If you have your mementos stored in deteriorating cardboard boxes, you can trade them out for more durable storage bins that will keep your favorite items safer anyway.